Align Your Cycle

A 28 day pilates & nutrition program that will help you workout, eat and live in alignment with your hormonal cycle.


Welcome to Align Your Cycle.

A 28 day pilates & nutrition program that will help you live in alignment with your hormonal cycle.


— Align Your Cycle

The program I wish existed when I began my wellness journey.

Align Your Cycle is a 28 day pilates and nutrition program that will help you start working with your body as a woman and live in alignment with your menstrual cycle. In this program you’ll learn to connect with your body, understand it's natural rhythms and thrive in all seasons of your cycle.


— Available on every display

Available wherever you are.

With easy to follow classes and tutorials for each phase (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal) you’ll be amazed at how intuitive and transformative it can be to align your workouts, diet and lifestyle with your hormonal cycle. Download the Align App to get started.


— Nutrition to Support Your Cycle

Healthy recipes to nourish & support your body.

Did you know your body has different nutritional needs in each phase of your cycle? Your complimentary program e-book has 150 pages of hormone guidance, lifestyle advice and delicious recipes for each phase. Download your ebook from the Align App or from the Align website using the link below.


Learn to work with your body and connect with your cycle.

— PHASE 1/4


— PHASE 1/4


If your menstrual phase was a season it would be your inner winter. It’s a great time to slow down, reflect and go inwards. It’s also a good time to focus on warming nourishing foods and gentle movement. Your workouts in this phase inclde genetle mat pilates classes that will help to release tension and gently tone. We also incorporate stretching to release menstrual cramps and lymphatic drainage to relieve bloat.

Start The Program
— PHASE 2/4


— PHASE 2/4


The follicular phase is your inner Spring. This is a great time to focus on the things that feel energising and uplifting to you. It’s also a great time to set intentions and embrace that fresh start feeling. In this phase we will begin to wake up our bodies with lots of dynamic, energising workouts including dynamic mat pilates classes and low impact cardio.

Start The Program
— PHASE 3/4


— PHASE 3/4

Ovulatory Phase

Your ovulatory phase is the summer of your cycle. It’s the phase where you can start to feel like the most magnetic and sexy version of yourself. It’s a great time to celebrate your body with some cardio pilates circuit classes and our signature "define" strength taining sessions. Take advantage of your increased confidence levels in this phase and go after what you want, full force.

Start The Program
— PHASE 4/4


The luteal phase is the long Autumn of your cycle. It lasts for 10-14 around days and your hormones fluctuate quite a bit during that time. In the first half of the luteal phase, you may still have some residual energy from your ovulation and your workouts include energising and strengthening classes. In the second half of your luteal phase, hormone levels drop to their lowest as you head towards menstruation and your focus is to tune inwards, lengthen and release tension. It's is a great time to begin to slow down, look inward and connect to your body with more self care.

Start The Program

— Nutrition & Lifestyle

Align your lifestyle & your cycle.

At the end of the day, our workout routine is just one part of our lives. In this program you’ll learn to tap into the vibe and energy of each phase, not just in your workouts and nutrition but in all aspects of your life.

— Let’s get started

Start wherever you are in your cycle.

The program is designed for you to jump straight in, no matter where you are in your cycle. Whether you are experienced at pilates or just starting out, you’ll find adjustments and modifications throughout the program to suit you and your body. We can’t wait to begin this journey with you!